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Reading & spelling

Year 2 Spellings

In Year 2, spellings are practised each week. 
Key word spelling and spelling patterns are practised alternately. Therefore key words are tested every 2 weeks and spelling patterns are tested every 2 weeks.

Children work through their key words at their own pace. Children practise these words, in school, using Spelling Zappers.' A zapper has a list of 9 words, children learn these by looking, covering, writing the word, then checking the word. They practise these words independently, then are tested by their teachers. A word is 'zapped' when they can spell it correctly. The word is then replaced on their zapper with a new key word from the list. Children work through the key word sheets in order. Key words are taught and learned in conjunction with Phonic phases. 



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'Through respect for all,


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Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay