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Sheffield Parent Hub & Sheffield Parent Carer Forum


Click on the link below to see News , Information and Events for parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities and/or special educational needs in Sheffield



Click here to be taken to Sheffield Parent Carer Forum

We were established in 2008 to bring together parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities and/or special educational needs from across Sheffield to support each other, share information and influence policy. Our main aim is to make sure the needs of our children are met.

We are an independent, parent-led organisation. Our trustees have links with parent support groups across the city. They are supported by four part-time staff.

We are a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee.

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


Click here to be taken to Sheffield City Council Parenting

Parents and carers can access a range of groups that offer practical advice and support with parenting. We deliver programmes that are evidence based, tried and tested. The content is written by professional psychologists who have conducted years of research into what works to manage behaviours and difficulties that we can all face as parents. 

Everyone has busy lives and we are all different, so there are different types of groups you can access depending on your needs and at times to suit you.




Whats on Autumn 2024


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'Through respect for all,


in a safe and supportive community, we celebrate our diversity and reach for success in all we do'.


Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay